Sunday, December 18, 2011

5 Healthy Skin Tips - How To Get Glowing Skin Without Spending Big Bucks On Cosmetic Products

Acne Peel

Many people are looking for healthy skin tips to get glowing skin. If people can get healthy skin without spending money then all the better because we spend so much on cosmetic products.

Acne Peel

The cosmetic industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and celebrities get paid mega bucks to endorse this product and that. However if you want healthy skin you can achieve it without forking out on expensive cosmetic products. Here are our skin health tips you can carry out today.

Acne Peel

Allow Me To Share Our Five Healthy Skin Tips

Acne Peel

Diet Is Important To Skin Health

The skin is the largest organ of the body and needs to be maintained like any other body part. This starts with a good diet that gives the skin the nourishment it needs. The type of foods that you should consider include flaxseed, olive oil, nuts, salmon and avocados because they contain a balanced amount of good fatty acids.

You should also consider foods that contain vitamin C and E as they contain antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect the skin from the damage of the sun and free radicals. This means eating plenty of vegetables such as dark leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

As a bonus many vegetables also contain vitamin B which forms the basis of skin cells plus vitamin A which maintains their health.

Water, Water And Oh More Water

You need to drink efficient amounts of water to help your skin keep its elasticity (the skin naturally loses elasticity as it gets older). Drinking water promotes circulation, digestion and absorption. These are all vital functions in the prevention of acne and other unsightly skin disorders. It is recommended that you drink eight 8 oz glasses of water a day.

Oh and please note that tea, coffee and soft drinks do not count (please stay away from sugary carbonated drinks if you want healthy skin).

Get Enough Sleep

One of my key healthy skin tips is to get enough sleep. If you do not get an adequate amount of sleep it leads to dark circles under the eyes plus it will increase your stress levels. Stress isn't conducive to skin health leading to acne, eczema, rosacea, cold sores and blisters. It is recommended that you get between 7-8 hours sleep per night.

The Vices That Need To Be Cut Out

I'm sorry but booze and smoking will age your skin very quickly. Alcohol dehydrates the skin and also dilates the blood vessels leading to a bruised reddish appearance under your eyes. Booze will cause the skin to lose its plump, firm and glowing appearance.

As for smoking it is very, very bad for your skin health. If you do smoke; then the best of all healthy skin tips I can give you is put that cigarette out now. Smoking will make your skin look older and actively promote wrinkles. It makes the blood vessels constrict which deprives your skin of oxygen.

Smoking also reduces collagen and elastin which promotes youthful looking skin. Here is a frightening fact for you; people who smoke have 5 times the wrinkles of those who don't. With every inhalation you kill over 100,000 skin cells.......scary huh!

Get Off Your Bottom People

The last of our healthy skin tips is to exercise. The reason being is that when you workout (simple as going for a bracing walk) you increase the oxygen supply to the skin. Your skin will become flushed leaving you with a healthy glow. Your skin contains toxins and exercise opens up pores and makes you sweat allowing your body to expel those toxins from the body.

In Conclusion

These are all healthy skin tips that can really make a difference. You don't have to implement them all at once and make a drastic change to your lifestyle overnight.

You can implement one of these at a time and overtime your skin will look firmer, healthier and you will get your glow back. Take action today and healthy skin can be yours soon.

5 Healthy Skin Tips - How To Get Glowing Skin Without Spending Big Bucks On Cosmetic Products

Acne Peel

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