Saturday, December 24, 2011

Laser Scar Removal With Starlux 1540 Fractional Non-Ablative Treatment

Acne Peel

Smooth unblemished skin is something we all desire but few of us ever have. Cuts and bruises, surgery, accidents, burns and acne all can leave very noticeable scars which can affect our self esteem and bother us. People can't help staring at scars, which of course makes those of us who have them very self conscious.

Acne Peel

In the past, surgical removal was the treatment of choice. However surgical removal leaves another mark and involves surgery. Laser skin resurfacing has also been used, but the laser resurfacing technique only smoothed the superficial surface of the skin, and did not correct the depression or divot in the skin that occurs with most noticeable scars.

Acne Peel

What Causes A Scar?

Acne Peel

A scar is caused by damage to the dermis, the deep layer of the skin below the surface. A scratch or cut, surgical incision, an acne pustule, a deep burn, or any trauma that goes deep into the skin injures the dermis. If the dermis cannot regenerate itself enough to replace all of the damaged tissue, a depression exists in the skin which appears as a visible scar.

Injuries that affect only the surface of the skin, called the epidermis, usually heal without a noticeable mark. When you see a visible mark it means that the injury was deep enough to damage the dermis and the dermis has not been regenerated.

How Can A Scar Be Improved or Removed?

What is needed for improvement in most visible scars is the production of new dermis to replace the lost dermis and plump the skin. The main component of the dermis is collagen, and if the dermis can be induced to produce enough new collagen, the depression will be plumped and become less visible.

The basis of the new Starlux 1540 process is the production of new collagen in the dermis.

How Does Starlux 1540 Laser Treatment Work?

The Starlux 1540 erbium laser beams actually go deep into the dermis and promote the growth of new collagen in the dermis. This new collagen fills the deficient dermis and plumps the skin beneath the depression.

The best thing is that the Starlux 1540 is a non-ablative laser which means that the surface of the skin is not damaged or removed during the treatment. This means that you do not have to go through the prolonged healing required by old time resurfacing. Your skin surface is still intact immediately after treatment.

What Is The Starlux 1540 Treatment Like?

We apply a numbing cream to your skin prior to treatment for your comfort. The Starlux 1540 hand piece has a small circle at the end which is pressed against the skin, and the laser is turned on. You will feel heat as the machine is turned on; however patients find it easy to tolerate.

The skin is not broken, thus your skin is only pink or red after treatment. No open wounds, no skin peel, no need for soaks or dressings. The pink may last 24 hours, but you can use makeup to cover the pink because the skin is intact.

How many Treatments Are Needed?

You will need at least 4 treatments spaced 4-5 weeks apart for maximum collagen production and skin plumping. Severe, deep wounds caused by acne or surgery may require more treatments for optimal results.

When Will I See A Result?

You will see swelling the first two weeks after treatment but this swelling is just the immediate effect of the treatment. New collagen production does not begin for 6 weeks after the treatment, and visible improvement usually is seen by the third month. Remember, we are stimulating the skin to make new collagen, which takes time. There is no quick fix for immediate results, even with surgery.

The collagen production continues for six months to a year after the last treatment.

By 6 months into the program, which is 3 months after your last and fourth treatment you will be seeing visible results. The results will continue to improve for at least 6 months after your last treatment.

Who Should Do My Starlux 1540 Treatment?

Board certified plastic surgeons and dermatologists are the experts at laser skin treatments. You should inquire if the doctor specializes or is experienced in these techniques, as many board certified doctors don't use lasers.

The best results I have seen have been with the Starlux system made by Palomar Medical. They have a special interest in this procedure and improvement, unlike other companies that have focused mainly on wrinkle removal.

Laser Scar Removal With Starlux 1540 Fractional Non-Ablative Treatment

Acne Peel

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