Monday, December 5, 2011

How to Find Your Best Treatment For Acne

Acne Peel

If you are wondering how to find the best treatment for acne, then this article can provide you with some helpful advice. Those who suffer from acne do so in varying degrees and each many have different triggers to their acne, therfore it is advisable to know about the various successful treatments for acne so that you can find the best treatment for you. There are various types of treatments for acne such as spot creams and lotions, nutritional handlings, natural treatments, medication and even surgical treatments for acne scarring. After reading this article you will have a general understanding of each and be able to choose the best treatment for you.

Acne Peel

A large percentage of people suffer from acne at one point in their life and many people turn to the various acne lotions and creams which are widely available. Some of these creams and lotions are effective - especially for the milder forms of acne. However, it is important to bear in mind that these creams and lotions are simply handling the problem on the surface and are not correcting the main cause of the problem. Also, the price of the product does not necessarily match it's effectiveness! Avoid buying expensive products if you can unless you know of someone for whom they have been effective. If you choose to try one of the many skin care products available it is also advisable that you see a nutritionist and maybe a dermatologist also to help locate and handle underlying causes. There are also some helpful information products on treating acne available if you do not want to splash out money on seeing a specialist.

Acne Peel

The next type of common treatment for acne is medication from your doctor. There are various medications available from your doctor but these are usually limited to the more serious forms of acne due to the side effects of the medication. Some of the common acne medications include: antibiotics, the oral contraceptive pill, Isotretinoin and Nicotinamide. Antibiotics can be effective but the body can only take short periods on antibiotics and so this may not be a long term solution. The Oral contraceptive can prove helpful for women who are suffering from acne due to a hormonal imbalance. Isotretinoin and Nicotinamide are medications often used by doctors for acne but Isotretinoin can have negative side effects ranging from peeling skin to severe depression and so are reserved for the treatment of more serious acne. Medication can play a role in handling acne but is usually used in more serious cases. It is advisable to attempt to handle acne without medications if possible through the use of proper nutrition, skin care and maintaining good skin hygiene.

Acne Peel

There are also surgical procedures available for the handling of acne scaring such as dermabrasion and chemical peels. Dermabrasion is a cosmetic medical procedure whereby the surface of the skin is removed by abrasion and it can be used to lessen scars. It is very painful and is usually done under a general anesthetic. Chemical peels can improve the texture of the skin by using a chemical solution that causes the skin to blister and peel off. Acne scarring can get worse if left for a long time and so it is best to try and treat it as soon as possible - prevention really is the best cure! If you have acne and fear you may have some scarring, it is best to source out some natural treatments first before you resort to surgical procedures. Many natural treatments are effective and surgical procedures should be turned to as a last resort.

Finding the best treatment for acne for you depends a great deal on how severe your acne is and upon which particular factors could be causing and aggravating it for you. Many people benefit from skin care products but these do not get to the bottom of the problem and provide a temporary solution only. Medications and surgical treatments can be effective but are generally only advised for the more serious cases. If you are a woman and think you may have a hormonal imbalance, the oral contraceptive may be of help but most women do not have a hormonal imbalance. Due to the side effects of medication, it is advised that you attempt to find a natural solution first. Again, medications often only offer a temporary solution and do not get the root of the problem. My advice is to seek a natural solution to acne if possible as handling nutrition, nutritional deficiencies, intolerances and allergies as well as finding out about life style changes you can make to avoid possible acne triggers can go a long way in handling your acne for good without the use of harsh chemicals or medications!

How to Find Your Best Treatment For Acne

Acne Peel

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