Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Five Tips of Face Caring Part 1

Acne Peel

Dear esteem readers, I am once again enlightening you with my latest practiced Daadi Maa's home medicine for those women, teen and adolescence girls who remain elusive due to facial outlook. As, all of you know that a "beautiful face makes beautiful companion" therefore, hereafter get rid of facial worries and follow the following tips to maintain beautiful face.

Acne Peel

I have seen that most of the women and girls while moving in open market or place; they continue to use a small handkerchief to wipe out the sweat from face. Yes indeed, it is required, when you walk on pavement in the peak hours of smoldering summer of Jun in Delhi. Is there any other way to remove sweat without loosing facial charm? Of course yes. What happens when you rub your face to dry face with same piece of cloth? Girls, in hurry to clean sweat, also press hard numerous soft skin tissues resulting in skin inflammation. What you need to do? One has to walk, clean and protect the face as well.

Acne Peel

First tip to ensure proper protections to face is; one), use multiple handkerchiefs or small "use and throw" type tissue papers; two be gentle while wiping face; three if possible wet or wash your face after three to four hours sun exposure.

Acne Peel

Second, advice to keep face skin healthy is to use good nourishing herbs so that tender soft epithelial tissues mainly epidermis remain healthy. I suggest the following guidelines. One, once a week wash face with fine gram floor mixed with two to three fresh Neem leaves and pinch of turmeric. To prepare a soft paste, take about 50 gram floor, add small pinch of turmeric and put two to three crushed Neem leaves in about 25 milliliters of lukewarm water. Fill the preparation in a mixer and grind for about two to five minutes. Let it cool for half an hour. Keep it in normal temperature for half day. At evening, before going to bed add crushed ice and apply gently on face. Wait for two hours and first rinse with normal water and wash without using any soap or shampoo. After properly rinsing, gently apply half a spoon of milk cream (Malai) on your face and wash with tender hand towel.

Third tip is for those women and girls, who are tired of pimples and acne. Infact such women sometimes even go to depression due to regular resurfacing of pimples. It is one of the best pastes, which I could produce and use with immunity to benefit over hundreds of my friend and acquaintance. I hope you all would be benefited to your satisfaction. Take approximately 250 to 500 grams of orange and sweet lemon (Mausamies) rind (Chhilka) in equal quantity, dry in shadow, prepare powder and keep in a glass bottle. Now prepare paste of about 10 grams of almonds in half spoon of ginger juice. Now take 25 grams of gram floor, 5 grams turmeric, 30 grams orange rind powder, pinch of almond paste and two dessert spoon of milk cream.

Now churn all the contents in mixer in 50 milliliters of milk. Prepare the paste about five hours before applying at night. Rinse your face gently, apply one layer of half spoon milk cream and five minutes later apply the pase layer on you face. Ensure no pimple or acne gets scratched or harsh rub. Waite for three to four hours and gently washed with lukewarm water. Use very soft towel to clean. Do not use any soap or shampoo. You will get your skin not only free of pimples or acnes but also it will shine to make you beautiful.

Five Tips of Face Caring Part 1

Acne Peel

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