Wednesday, December 14, 2011

TCA Acne Scars - Why You Should Consider a TCA Peel Treatment Option to Clear Up Your Scars

Acne Peel

TCA acne scars treatment options usually involve skin peels that are designed to treat acne as well as the scars that are often left for acne sufferers when their face starts to clear up. TCA is just one of a few kinds of skin peels that many that suffer from acne have turned to over the years, but it is probably the most popular of them all. It gets better results than "minor" peels such as lactic or glycolic peels, and it is not as drastic an option as a phenol peel.

Acne Peel

What can a TCA peel do for you

Acne Peel

Why use a skin peel? Well, many people find that the treatment methods that they used for their acne simply do not translate well to the specific treatment of acne scars. That is why TCA skin peels are widely used - because they do a good job of greatly reducing the appearance of those troublesome marks that have been left by acne outbreaks over the years. The ability to treat acne scars while also removing acne itself, all with one type of treatment is also a very attractive aspect of a TCA skin peel.

Acne Peel

TCA stands for "trichloroacetic acid." The application of TCA in a skin peel is very safe, and can be used on a wide variety of acne scar conditions and skin types, which helps make it such a popular option. The substance will be applied as part of a cream, often with some sort of applicator.

What to expect from a TCA peel

It will not be left on for long, as it only takes between 10 and 20 minutes to work its magic. If your doctor opts to use TCA without mixing it with other substances in a cream, it will take even less time than that, with a deeper effect. Then, a neutralizer will be applied, and you may have sunburned-looking skin for a few days, before the peeling process begins, leaving you with vastly improved skin.

The improved look that you will get from TCA acne scars treatment will usually last up to a year. Often, you will find that the treatment does provide a permanent effect on acne scars, while the effects on acne outbreaks themselves are more temporary. Still, it is difficult to find a better way to treat acne and acne scars simultaneously than with a TCA skin peel. If you are interested in learning more about the procedure and possibly getting one of these skin peels done, make an appointment for a consultation with your dermatologist right away.

TCA Acne Scars - Why You Should Consider a TCA Peel Treatment Option to Clear Up Your Scars

Acne Peel

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